Need some help with Pre Loaders

I need some help with making a pre-loader. I am simply looking for the most simple pre-loader I can get. I really don’t have any idea how to build one and/or where to even put it in my movie. I know there are alot of tutorials out there, I’ve tried a few but don’t seem to have any luck.

If anyone would be kind enough to help me out I would really appreciate it.


Are you using scenes in your movie?

I’m not sure…lol

I’ve got a main MC and other SWF files load into it when the button is clicked. I think I need a pre-loader to display while the SWF’s load into the main movie.

Does that make any sense? Sorry but I’m very new to Flash and I’m not exactly sure about all this stuff.


You know like… there are scenes(which I hate) like pages.
Or do you use just movieclips… buttons and graphics
So The other movies load into the main by loadMovie() action…?

Just add a keyframe in front of all your mcs, buttons and graphics on the main timeline
no create a new textbox and type “Loading…” or something like that in there.
now put the following actions on the keyframe

if(_framesloaded >= _totalframes) {

this simply checks if all the frames are loaded. And if they are it goes to frame 3.
BUT if you have an animation in the beginning of your movie make it gotoAndPlay(); so it’ll start playing the main timeline (if the animation is on the main timeline, not in some mc!)
And now why did I tell it to go to frame 3 instead of 2???
now add a new keyframe after the first one!
and put the following actions on it


thi tells the main timeline to play the first frame.
so we created a 2-frame-loop
now you said something about swfs loading into the main movie.
You have to make preloaders for all of them. one by one.
BUT DO NOT USE _ROOT if the movie is loaded to another movie _root is now the main timeline of the main movie instead of the loaded one so use _parent instead!

Thanks Syko,

How would I make it so it started to play after a certain number of frames were loaded? Do I change the _totalframes part? Lets say I wanted it to start playing after 15 frames were loaded…what do I change that to?

Thanks again.