Problem with Advanced Rollovers (Flash MX)

Hi Everyone,

I used the tellTarget method to create advanced rollovers on the main stage. They work great.

I created another advanced rollover button, but this one is inside of a movie clip called “project1_movie”. Project1_movie only comes up when a button is clicked, using ‘attachMovie’ (if that makes sense). The advanced rollover inside of the movie clip “project1_movie” will not work. I get the error message:

Target not found: Target="/rollover1" Base="_level0.project1_movie"
Target not found: Target="/rollover1" Base="_level0.project1_movie"

I did give the rollover movie clip the instance name “rollover1”.

Any help or ideas would be very much appreciated.


hello, i dont think im right but i give it a try… if the mc got the project1_movie as instance name i dont know, but if it isnt that, then try with an instance name.

Thank you, but that isn’t the problem either. It is a targeting problem. The mc is on level 1 and the error message I get says level 0. Know how I fix that in my code to get it to level 1 instead of level 0?

My code for rollover1:

on (rollOver) {
tellTarget (“/rollover1/project1_movie”) {
on (rollOut) {
tellTarget (“/rollover1/project1_movie”) {

Nevermind, I figured it out!