Problem with fading text mal-loading

Hi guys,As u see this is my very first time posting on these boards,but the site tutorials rock :slight_smile: .Now to the point.Im doing a flash intro wit lots of scrolling/fading text.The scrolling text is fine,but for sum wierd reason the fading isnt loading properly,only the first of like 3 lines will load,and it wont fade,just apper,then dis appear ;( .Any help would be very helpful,so many thanx in advance.Also,this file is uploaded for all to see,u can find itHERE. The lines of text in question are the 1’s that appear on screen very fast and disapear after about 5 seconds,i wanted the time delay,but i wanted them to fade in/out.I have the source files if any1 wants them to look at.Thanx in advance again.
P.S the file size is 600x400,its just full screen coz i uploaded it as is.

If you’re doing alpha fades, make sure your text is set to static and not dynamic text.

Yo dude.Erm the things im fading are text converted to movie symbols,not just text.Please shed sum light on this sum1?.It plays fine in flash mx,no probs wotsoeva,but as soon as i publish it,it all goes haywire :frowning:

if you’re using a dynamic text to fade in and out… careful not to set it as selectable text and/or forget not to embed its font… i also presume that your texts are inside a symbol…

leftover: using alpha on plain-colored backgrounds not advisable… use tints instead…