Argh! I’ve only been ****ing around in Flash (MX) for about a month or 2 on and off, and i’m trying to produce a slideshow behind my logo and some tell target buttons.
It displays 7 slides, alpha tweening from 100% to 0% between each one. Where the slide is at 100%, I have put in scripting to pause the movie for 10 seconds (which will be 30 when it goes gold). The final frame in the movie has the action
This works just fine, however, when the movie symbol loops, the pauses fail, except for a certain few. I’ve checked out the actions, and they’re all the same (copy and pasted them), as well as how the keyframes link up in the motion tweening (with the little kinda arrows… dunno how to explain that or what it’s called)
The Flash doc uses .bmps so it’s too large to attach, however, the file can be found on my server: (about 3.75mb)
Also a kinda off the wall question. Until this morning, the slide show was in a folder, not in it’s own symbol, so I figured it might be easier to navigate around the flash doc if it were it’s own movie symbol. I did this and saved, and the file went from being 5.50 mb to the 3.75 that resides on my server. Why is this? Do layers, even when frames are blank, still take up space in the document?
Whew and last question. In that file, I have included 2 preloaders, both are a combination of my own following of the tutorials and the source code itself. Basically I want a precentage bar preloader that also shows xxxk loaded/xxxk total while the file is loading. I’m not sure if it still exists in the file, but:
1 - is this possible to do?
2 - if it does exist, would anyone be kinda enough to check out what i’m doing wrong?
thanks for all your help in advance