Problem with Photo Gallery and pathToPics

This is probably a really dumb question…but I’m a real newbie and if I don’t ask it I’ll never learn. I’ve been going through the sbeeners photogallery tutorial and I’m having a problem with knowing what path to put in the below bit of AS.
// leave it blank if they’re in the same directory
this.pathToPics = “animation/”;

I don’t have a web space to upload it to and test it in so can’t put in an www. address . i tried putting in the path to where the jpgs are kept i.e. D://…/etc/etc/etc and I’ve also tried moving them all into the library (needless to say that didn;t work either) but whenever I go to test movie I get a message telling me that it can’t find them

I did see a post that showed how I could put each picture in a frame and then use a button to scroll through them and if all else fails I’ll do that but I’d like to learn how to do things using AS. (Even if it takes me forever - and I sometimes think it will!)

Do you have to load the jpegs as an external swf or am I just making a mistake with the path I’m putting in.

Any suggestions gratefully received,