This is probably a really dumb question…but I’m a real newbie and if I don’t ask it I’ll never learn. I’ve been going through the sbeeners photogallery tutorial and I’m having a problem with knowing what path to put in the below bit of AS.
// leave it blank if they’re in the same directory
this.pathToPics = “animation/”;
I don’t have a web space to upload it to and test it in so can’t put in an www. address . i tried putting in the path to where the jpgs are kept i.e. D://…/etc/etc/etc and I’ve also tried moving them all into the library (needless to say that didn;t work either) but whenever I go to test movie I get a message telling me that it can’t find them
I did see a post that showed how I could put each picture in a frame and then use a button to scroll through them and if all else fails I’ll do that but I’d like to learn how to do things using AS. (Even if it takes me forever - and I sometimes think it will!)
Do you have to load the jpegs as an external swf or am I just making a mistake with the path I’m putting in.
Thanks for that it makes sense. But…after making sure that .fla and pictures were in the same folder I’m getting an error message when I test the movie. It’s finding the right path and the right name for the first jpeg but says that there is an error opening the file.
I’ve done some checking on the forums and made sure that my jpegs haven’t been saved progressively and also made sure that the movie they load into is the right size. Any other ideas what it could be?
I think I’ll start the tutorial from scratch again tomorrow just to make sure that I haven’t put things on the wrong layer or something like that by mistake.
Just a note, dont forget ‘/’ and ‘’ are diffrent, so depending on if you using a web address or a dir address make sure you have them the same way round
Thanks for the above suggestion, I’ve tried using both \ and / but to no avail.
The error message I’m getting is, Error opening URL. Its then giving me the whole thread of where the pictures are stored so presumably it is finding them.
I know its something really basic I’m doing wrong (mainly because I can;t do anything complicated yet!!) but it’s really infuriating,
Right…quick update. I’m not quite sure what I originally did wrong but I redid the tutorial and this time renamed my jpegs as image0,image1 etc and put them in a folder called animation as was done in the tutorial. Lo and behold this time when I tested the first three showed up while the last two didn’t but I think that may be a size prob. For future ref though a couple of quick questions
Originally the photos were called things like “redflower.jpeg” “yellowflower.jpeg”. Would flash have a problem with that?
The movie seems to be resizing to fit the pictures, which I’m not complaining about but I didn’t ask for - again any ideas?
I just need to align the movie in the centre of my page but I seem to remember theres a few posts on that already…
Thanks for all your help so far - The gallery is now up and running (at least when I hit test movie it is.) I promise you that this the final question on this subject. To see where the movie is aligned on an internet page. I’ve exported the movie as an SWF to my desktop and tried to open with Internet Explorer. When I do this the buttons show up but no photos. Is this because the SWF can’t read them from their location?
I just wanted to say thanks for all the help - sorry for the delay in saying it, I blew up my monitor (by accident I should add and not through frustration!!) - I’ve finally got it all working.