Hiya everyone. I just joined this group and I am excited about knowledgable people helping me to remove my head from my rear end often (yup, it gets stuck up there all the time).
So I wanted to make a slide show type of thingi for a site I am working on, and I came across the photogallery tutorial here http://www.kirupa.com/developer/mx/photogallery.asp and although it didnt have ALL the options I was hoping for, it was (or seemed to be) simple and easy to create, and since I would be doing 1-2 of these things a week, I figured “COOOOOL, I will just use this, it lacks the ability to auto scroll through the images at a set time delay, but who cares? I don’t”
So, I set about whipping up this rather killer movie, worshipping the very ground that sbeener walks upon.
Then I saw it…
a fly in the ointment (ointment is a funny word, cracks me up everytime i hear it.how bout you?)
When i tested the movie in flash, it showed me nothing, well not really, i saw the bar and 2 buttons I placed in the file to use to forward and back the images, but no images, and I got the error message “trouble loading the bla bla bla image” i fangled with it and tweaked it, and screamed at it a couple times before I said the heck with it and made the path (this.pathToPics = “http://www.my_URL_placed_here.com/flash/animation01/”
still didnt work, the first image doesnt load when i test the movie and I also get no error message. all of my images are uploaded to my server in the animation01 directory and my swf is saved, or will be saved to the flash dir. this is from a brand new flash file I just started on (I started over) and I havent added the bar (will just be a beveled blue retangle for the buttons to sit on) or the buttons yet.
Any help on this would be soooooooooooo appreciated. I followed the tut faithfully, doing everything exactly as the tut says, in the order it says it and it just isnt working. And if anyone knows of someplace that accepts donations of human hair, I have piles of it beside my computer.
thanks alot
Don’t put the full URL to the directory just the directory, which in your case will be
If that doesn’t work, check the file names, caps do count, so make sure you have all that correct.
thanks for the reply lostinbeta.
the only reason i did put the entire URL in the script was because the tutorial gave that as one way to to put the path in, and its the only way so far that when i test movie doesn’t give me any error messages (it just doesnt show any pics at all hah hah) very frustrating. I may just have to go try and find another one to use, but this one is so simply elegant it would be a real shame if i couldnt use it ya know?
The case is all correct, i do everything, including ext.s in lowercase…but i didnt alter the case on the script or anything
thanks again for the reply, it is appreciated
Are you testing your file on your computer by trying to get the images from a server?
If so, that might be the problem.
Try setting up a folder in the same directory as your .swf file, and add your images in there then test it.
cool, you gave me an idea, here is what i did immediately after reading your last post.
I opened up flashMX and opened the fla that I have so far
I edited the URL path to pics and replaced it with “animation01/” and saved the fla to the animation01 folder
next I exported the movie (as flash 5 from MX) to the animation01 folder
I opened up the folder and double clicked on the swf
nothing happened, it opened up as a white square (the BG color) and nothing else, just nothing.
so i exported it again, this time as a flash 6, same thing
grrrrrrrrrrrRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrr i wish i knew what was wrong with this, EVERYTHING appears as it should, or at least i think it does LOL
Can you put your files in a .zip file and post a link so I can download them and maybe troubleshoot your file ?
hello lostinbeta,
i just sent you a PM in answer to your last question