[size=2]Hi :
At the moment I am working in my online portfolio. I have been based in the tutorial called [color=#003366]Transitions between External SWFs[/color]by [url=“http://www.voetsjoeba.com/”][color=#800080]Voetsjoeba[/color], and it has been helpful.
Anyway I have a problem and I have thought that perhaps you can help me.
It´s the following one: I am designing my WEB that loads the sections (external SWF) within a container. Well… Until that moment I have sufficient following this tutorial. But I wanted that a button within one of this external SWF called equally to another external SWF since it makes a button in the main movie, and that it loaded the SWF in the same container.
I have tried to modify and to rewrite the script, but I haven´t had luck or don´t know sufficient to obtain it.
You kind of lost me on the second half of your question… but try this on your button:[AS]on (release) {
Thaks Wizard… but I tested with that option already, and works partially only, because it changes the SWF radically and it doesn´t finish like the other principal sections.
i am having the same problem with that tutorial… basically i got evertything working too but now what i am trying to do is load another swf in the same container and use the same intro and outro techinque that the tutorial shows,
but no luck for me yet.
The tutorial was written to be used with buttons outside of the containers, but it can be modified to use it inside the containers. If you do that thoug, you’ll have to copy your buttons to each of the external movies. That’s why I created the buttons outside of the container. If you have extra buttons that you want to use to create transitions inside the swfs, which are again part of the main transitions system, then it gets more complicated because you’re nesting transitions. What situation are you in ?
ok… i have an swf. loading into a container, the swf has an intro and an outro.
now while i have that swf loaded in the container, i want to load another swf. with an intro and an outro just like the main swf. Basically if you click on " Portfolio" the portfolio swf plays the intro, and then if u click " Contact " it plays the outro for the Portfolio and the intro for "Contact"and so on. So far i got all this working right.
Now my problem is that i dont know how i can load more swf’s with the same intro and outro technique while you are on “Portolio” for example.
I tried adding a new container called “container2” and tried loading the new swf’s in there with the same code as the tutorial shows but it wont work i cant understand why. Its been like 3 days already that i try different things but no luck yet.
You would load the other .swf’s the same way you’re currently loading the Portfolio and Contact files. If you were able to get those two working I see no reason why you couldn’t get the rest of them working. Make sure you’re not missing any of the AS… for example the script that goes on the last frame of the external movies:[AS]_root.container.loadMovie(_root.currMovie+".swf");[/AS]