When I move around a component with a normal non-antialiassed font —> the text dissappears. So I had to make the component fonts antialiased. Now I have a flash form where half of the components are antialiassed and half are not, even if I have targeted an antialiased font to all of them. Is this a bug in Flash CS3? or what gives?
Heres an example:
var f6:Font = new EmbeddedVerdana() as Font;
var tf6:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
tf6.font = f6.fontName; // Verdana
tf6.bold = false;
tf6.size = 11;
RateMyPCContent.field3.setStyle("embedFonts", true);
RateMyPCContent.field3.setStyle("textFormat", tf6);
Thanks in advance
Mikael “deVoter” Toivio