Problems with Dynamic Text..!

Hello there.

Im having some problems with the dynamic text:

  1. when i draw the dynamic text box , the square on the botton right doesn´t
    became black. I have to paste the text in the box, cut and then paste the
    text again. Strange…

  2. After i save the FLA. file , when i open that file again , the Height of the
    box change, becames much bigger…! Like if the box height was 250 pixels
    it becames 1200 or so…

Can anyone help with that?

thank you

What square are you talking about?

The one that appears on the text boxes.
You know , if its a fixed text box has a small square in its upper-right corner,
Dynamic text its suposed to be black on the button-right corner…


Hello again,

Can anyone help me with this…?

thank you

I’m completely lost as to what you’re talking about, could you take a screen shot of how it’s suppose to look like? Maybe that would help me better understand your problem.

So what is the problem?

Did you try switching from Dynamic to static ? What square?

post your fla…
try to remove the ‘draw box around text’ option, i think its next to the lil html tag and selectable tag