Problems with #include, international characters and external txt file


I created an animation that displays external data from a txt file, based on this tutorial. Mine is a little different, because I created 3 different text boxes for different moments of the timeline.

It worked fine, but all the international characters were weird. I found this other tutorial. The [COLOR=RoyalBlue]System.useCodePage=true;[/COLOR] method doesn’t work, because it won’t display the special characters if the user’s OS is in English (as mine is).

I tried to do it the other way, saving the file with Unicode encoding. However, I must to use #insert instead of using the following:

loadText = new LoadVars();
loadText.onLoad = function() {
    text1.text = this.text1;
    text2.text = this.text2;
    text3.text = this.text3;

Now the text doesn’t load. I’m also loading links from the text file into 3 buttons, and the links work fine.

I’d appreciate any help :rabbit: