Problems with Please!

I am trying to load a jpg from my server into a blank movie clip that I have placed on the root timeline. I also have an animated movieclip on the root timeline as well. Why does my animation movieclip disappear when the jpg is loaded into the blank movie clip?? How can I fix this?

Here is my code. Note: tn_mc is the animation movieclip which contains buttons that when pressed, should load the jpg into the blank_mc. For some reason *tn_mc *disappears when the turnOn (user-defined, loadMovie) function is called. I’m using unloadMovie first because I want different buttons to load different jpgs, and the jpg that was open needs to disappear when a new jpg is called. I tried taking out the unloadMovie to see if that was the problem, but it didn’t seem to be.

function turnOn (name) {
unloadMovie (blank_mc);
loadMovie (“"+name+".jpg”, blank_mc);
_root.tn_mc.mdubey_btn.onPress = function () {
turnOn (“aa_truth_big”);