Problems With Telltarget

hi, i´m just starting to use the tellTarget command and I´m having some problems.
In the timeline I have 2 layers, one is a button and the other is the animation of the tellTarget (in the first keyframe there´s a flag).
The script of the button is:

on (rollOver) {
tellTarget (“submenu”) {
play(); }

and when I created the layer of the animation (“submenu”) in the properties menu I wrote submenu.
The problem appears when I preview my work, an error window appears and says :

Destino no encontrado: Destino=“submenu” Base="_level0"

my Flash is in Spanish, but I guess you know what the error is.
Please help!!!

what i did was to use the first keyframe of the telltarget with a stop() action , and changed

tellTarget (“submenu”) {
play(); }



but it doesn´t start in the frame 2, it doesn´t start at all, where´s is the problem???

Well i know nothing about telltarget, but all i know is that if you’re using flash MX, theres no point using it. It is decapracated (or however you spell it), and so you should be using the dots instead

yes,fine, but the problem is that IT DOESN´T WORK either way. The dots are NOT the problem

It doesn’t work the dot way either??? can i see your fla?


first of all you did not put an instance on your movieclip, second the button didnt have the correct path where the movieclip was located in this case _root so it would do nothing chekc out the code i added to the buton as well as the instance i gave to the movieclip. Instances are not given in the timeline layes theyare given in the properties tab when you select the movieclip or button good luck