Problems With Telltarget

hi, i´ve downloaded a menu with submenu and I want to add some other buttons, but they use the telltarget command and I can´t really understand how it is done, cuz it doesn´t target a MC or a layer.
anyway, i´ll post a fla for u to take a look, please Help me!!

dont use tell target, it has been deprecated. use dot syntax notation instead. look up a tutorial on targeting here on kirupa. here is the file.

thx, i know the use of the dots,i´ve just downloaded this sample from the net, but my question was what they are targeting in my fla

it targets the 2 movie clips _root.boxes3ddelay and _root.boxesdelay. It tells them to go to certain frames within each movie clip and play them.

great, now, how can I do that?
cuz what I see , when I click on that layer (boxes3ddelay and boxesdelay) is just a white circle and not the movie clip.
If I double-click the circle , the movie clip appears but it seems to be hidden or something,u know what I mean?

its because when you drag the movie clip onto the stage, it shows you the first frame of that movie clip. If you want it to show them right away, go into each movie clip and move all the content to the first frame. Right now, there is nothing in the first frame of each one which is why it shows up as a blank dot.