Programming a personality

…and I appologize if I kind of sound like I’m ‘ordering’, or trying to tell people what to do, I don’t mean to, I’m just thinking of what I would/should be doing myself, except I’m still waiting on a Motherboard (stupid place shipped me the wrong one… :ogre: ) I promise to contribute more concrete items to the project, like FLA files, and images, and things, once my computer is living again.

Hey guys:
I was wondering about this earlier… we were talking about PHP earlier… do you think it will be a good idea to make Ayumi have to run off of a server, or confine it to a server environment? I think we should try to make it a stand-alone application, that can work from any one computer. We can have the application in Flash, with AS, and lots of MovieClips, and have her interact through the User in that interface, while she writes her own ‘brain’, by adding to other files, which can be a collection of TXT files, if we want. I think this will result in a better application, and we can edit her mind a little easier that way…
What do you think? I guess I really wasn’t clear on the reason that we would use PHP anyway… If you think otherwise, let me know…

I’m think she should be like a software =) .exe and stuff. That way we call all have our own little Ayumi’s (or whatever name you have for her, Dianariah if you’d like). And if there are any glitches, it’s easier found… I think…
Btw… what does Ayumi do when we have our computers off?

So where’s this Diagram of yours, OBCT?! HUH?! HUH?! I DEMAND RESULTS!!!

Right here :thumb:

well all i’ve seen so far is talk. Is anyone actually working on this? :puzzled:


If you’d been paying any attention and actually reading the posts, you’d know that we’ve been putting code togeather and making a start.

I’ve writtin up a tree diagram of how we could set up our classes and I’m (almost) sure it’ll work really well.

Ignore everything I said there.

We need to take this step by step. Not jump ahead like I did :bad:

Lets write up a list of methods our character has. Not specific things such as…

‘decide weather he/she is going to watch his/her favourite tv show or go out with his/her best friend even though this person managed to break up our characters sister.’

This sort of thing will require ALOT of methods like what current mood they have, what their feelings are towards that person etc.

[AS]public function Die():Void
trace(“Congratulations!!! I’m dead!!!”);

As you can see, the event of dying requires no effort at all. It is simply the process of removing any previously existing properties from a character.
Anyone/Anything can die. It is inevitable.

My point is…this is a method that will apply to anything within our character.
Each subclass of Person will inherit this method and trigger individually if need be.

Once we’ve got a list of methods for our superclass, then we can work our way down to each subclass.

Having said all of this…I’m still doing some more research on the general topic to make sure I’m not speaking s*** :sure:


You mean like…:

public function Walk(a_x:Number,a_y:Number,b_x:Number,b_y:Number):void {
//move character from point (a_x,a_y) to point (b_x,b_y)

That sort of thing? Like basic actions that are inherent to the system that she should be able to do regardless? I think/hope I’m following you… :ne:

Hey hey guys, names tofu but my friends call me tofu. I wanna help you guys out, don’t know heaps, but i have a fair share of actionscript knowledge. no vb though. I won’t be able to post heaps between school, sleeping, homework, sleeping and such, but im willing.

First Suggestions:
Don’t be worrying about where she lives and her house and what the house looks like, you need to get the groundwork down before you worry about that.

Is this going to turn out like a super The Sims or is it going to go deeper than that?

I really like the idea of an AI that learns about the world around it and has habits and memories. I think thats what you guys should aim for.

One last thing, you need to work on one thing at a time, ive seen you guys changing from weather to houses to feelings to memories, work on one thing guys. It will help in the long run.

Those were just what I called them, suggestions, take it or leave it. Stop if I step out of turn, I’m new so I dont know the lingo.

See yall later, k.
happy (early) easter.:b:

oops, nearly forgot.

Am i gonna need MX04 for this project, cos i don’t have it yet…

Correct me if I’m wrong… I think we decided to have the visual animation and things handled by Flash, but most of the brain will be in VB.

Thank goodness for that! I just read the whole thread, beginning to end. Boy am I tired just from that! Also I am inspired tho. Now I’m a complete fool at Flash, not really done much with it to know what I’m doing. is about the limit of what I can do at the moment. I have however a good experience of Vb before I wiped my computer and lost my discs, but that is not what i think i can bring to the project. I spend nearly all my waking life thinking of drawing, and I think you guys could do with an artist (no offence Spirit ;)). Give me some inspiration for what she is to look like, some sizes and the like and I’ll try and rustle something up. I’ve been in ISO-mode for a month or so now, trying to make a little rival to Habbo Hotel kinda thing. Anywho I am an experienced Manga artist too, which i think some of you guys be a wanting. So what’s next? :slight_smile: