Is anyone still interested or did we all jump off a cliff when the forum was down?
We need to get a list of formula’s and variables so we can put them into classes and get SOMETHING working
Is anyone still interested or did we all jump off a cliff when the forum was down?
We need to get a list of formula’s and variables so we can put them into classes and get SOMETHING working
Yeah… I did jump of a cliff… thank goodness I survived, the forum’s back up
Yes, I am still very into this, but I’ve been insanely busy lately helping out at my mom’s bakery from 3pm-9pm and school before that, by the time I get home, I’m wondering about life --
I only have time on the weekends basically, but maybe not for a week or two… I’m failing 3 classes and having an incomplete in one… haha… So I’m trying to pass two more classes, at least.
Anyway, I’m thinking of making a demo-like thing with the variables and all and some substitute formulas (until we get figure out real ones) when I can. Sorry of not being much of help --
Btw, I’m also busy with learning how to speak japanese… then I’d be quadlangual :D!
:h: i wasn’t offended…
I found a very nice example of an AI that writes itself based on what information you give it… it could probably be a nice source of inspiration…
I have spent hours upon hours on this site… arguing with this AI and it remembers… I believe that it creates statistics on the information it receives, and when enough simmilar information is stored, it intergrates it into it’s memory…
created this user just to tell you…
Cool, I’ll check it out! Thanks
oh - my - G**
That was INSANE. Just got back from camping, had to come home a day earlier… my friend got drunk and fell of a 20 foot cliff. Somehow, he ended up with only a bunch of scraches on his back, we’re not even sure if anything’s broken yet -_-.
Anyway… I really don’t like the idea of Ayumi being a pet, she’s gonna be a… friend… lol
How about this, she’s like a Toy Baby for everyone.
To me, when you realize people are learning from you, you feel pretty special about it… and… I don’t know anymore… I just wanna eat my Cup Noodle and like, go sleep or something, my heavens that was insane.
Have fun everyone, keep it up!
I didn’t mean for Ayumi to be pet… I think she’s more like the dude in a Little Indian. I don’t know if you’ve read it but I’d recommend it, even though it’s a childrens book. It’s about a boy who makes a toy indian (Native american) come to life, and about how he learns that he’s not a pet, or a toy, but a real man in his own right.
Like Ayumi will be a virtual person in her own right, I guess…
What I meant was that could the Ayumi code (simplified version of mind you) be adapted for a virtual pet? Like with the values depreciating over time and all that?
oh, i’m sure it’ll start all simple. I see this as a puzzle -
we have a few pieces
we havn’t (but about) put the pieces together
we dont have all the pieces - yet.
So it’ll start off rather simple, i think.
Yeah, I’ve read through this entire topic (some parts more than once) so I can definitely see the whole starting off simple thing as a good idea!
The major advance I see Ayumi as being is that her AI is not controlled by the user, but by time… And I guess you guys want real time eh?
I’m not sure if Flash could handle the whole ask her a question and get relevent, intelligent answers.
…which is why, I think, we’ve decided to move to VB… but I’m still intending to use Flash to make the graphics, and animation, because it’s not that hard to make flash and VB talk to each other (ahem, :beam: )
So, in theory, we’ll have the bulk of the code/processing occur inside VB, while a Flash movie is displayed in the VB form will provide the GUI and the readouts, plus all of Ayumi’s Environment and animation.
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