Promoting a site? how do you do it?

I’m launching a tutorial site in a few weeks and I wanted to know whats the best way to generate hits. Paid search engine submission? if so how.

Any ideas or suggestions are welcome especially from those who have experience in this field.

Thank you for your time

paid search engine companies are a great start, however they need well thought out keywords and discriptions from clients - so you have to put some work in to help them to be effective. Banner adds on sites that would attract the customers you’d be seeking are very effective as well, although you have to have a specific target market for this to work effectivly (at least without spending way too much money)

Other than those two general ideas, it is really dependent on what type of sited are you promoting? Are there already existing clients that may help spawn new ones? Is it a totally new company? Do you have connections you could capitalize on with a mailer? ETC?

unless you really want to don’t use the free submission search engines sites…

your site will either end up not being submitted to the engines you thought (like mine) or they ask you to put some bloody horrible image advertising themselves on your well designed site

There are certain submission companies that really do a good job. The faults of few should not be projected on others. Research is required.


What would be the standard procedure to get a good ranking on for example google? i know it relies on meta keywords, is there anything lese i should know?

yeah else is spelled else, not lese :wink:

joking…I think google can search not only your meta keywords but your meta description and, though I’m not 100% sure, the content of your site as well

thanks for the spelling correction. what is the best way to get high rankings then? pay someone to do it for me?

depending on the price it’s what I’m thinking of doing anyway

Can I ask why? Are you charging some change for these Tutorials? I only ask because most of the time things spread really well word of mouth.

Example: I sell toys on the side and have a website that gets about 100+ hits a day. I never listed it anywhere but it got spidered or whatver they are calling it these days but anyway most of my hits came right away initially from people posting the link on toy related message boards.

Heck you post the link here and if its good, people will talk and talk and before you know it, it may turn out to be as hot at this board is here. I found this board through word of mouth not a search.

i would post it here when it is launched - 2 weeks tommorow. I don’t want to be seen as a spammer though looking for cheap hits.

site check is a great place for comments, and it gets your site out to the viewers of the forums. Its not a bad thing to post you site there when you first open it. :slight_smile:


I’ve spent a ton of time launching sites and if you want you can catch me on AIM and I’ll answer your questions as I can.

You can also read my SEO article:

bumper stickers:P)


i got 400 posts:P hahah 401 now.

You have just uploaded your web-site and it looks great! You feel good about it and you’re ready to make some money! There’s only one problem, you need some Customers, or Traffic! There are a few ways to do this, that are free, but will take some time and work.

First you will need to set-up some link pages on you web-site. Then you will need to exchange links with other web-sites that are related to yours. For example, if you have a home business you can visit Google and type in “home business”. Google will then give you a few million related sites that you can start with. You will then visit these sites exchanging links. Most sites will have a “link to us” or “Add URL” page. You will click that link and follow the instructions to submit a link back to your web-site. It is good to start with at least a hundred links or more, (no more than 50 links a page). Exchange links with the first and second pages only, then you will want to type in maybe, “work from home”, “best business ideas”, “home careers”, “computer jobs”, etc. Repeat this procedure until you have enough. Sites on the first two pages of the Google search will have the most traffic, which will increase yours.

The next thing you will want to do is write an article. Writing articles is a great way to market your web-site and increase your traffic. Write a simple article relating to your web-site topic, if you need some help, visit Google and type in the subject your looking for. At the end of your article you will create an author bio or resource box. In it include a brief description of you and your web-site and your web-site URL.This allows everyone who reads your article to learn more about you and your business. Now you will start submitting your article to many article directories by visiting Google and search for “article directories”. By doing this your article will be posted all over the world for people to read, thus creating more traffic for your site.

Last, you can create your own newsletter. This is more of a long-term strategy, but one that you should start early so that you can get the effects as soon as possible. Everyone that signs-up, 20% may return to your site from the links in your newsletter. This will build over a period of time and add lots of free traffic. A valid newsletter may consist of a single article about the subject of your site, followed by information telling them how to unsubscribe or subscribe. If you don’t have time to write your own article, there are many on the Internet with permission to reprint included, just remember to include the author’s bio or resource box at the end. To find these articles, go to Google and type:

??? articles reprint.

Just fill in the ??? with your website topic.

Now you will start submitting your newsletter (ezine) to many ezine directories by visiting Google and search for “ezine directories”. This will help you establish links to your ezine and create more subscribers for your newsletter, thus creating another source of free traffic.

Using these highly effective ways to increase traffic to your web-site will help you market your business and reach a larger consumer base.


(This was posted at the Intelligence Network ).here

Please note: This is not my strategies, but too funny not to post… :book:

spam it in the cool sites forum :smiley:

If it turns out to be great (which it has a good chance of being) it could win SotW!

whats a good pay search engine submission

thanks for everyones comments. Krilnon it can’t get site of the week because a) it only has a flash nav and html everything else and b) its not near as good enough as the other dudes work.