So, last night, my car was broken into, and a bunch of my stuff was stolen: my 80gb ipod, this Belkin accessory thingy which makes your ipod play through stereo (didn’t really work well anyway), my 3 day old Gucci sunglasses, my phone charger, and horror of all horrors - my backup external hard drive which was in the trunk.
And while that all really pisses me off, it’s all replaceable stuff. What REALLY nags at me though, is the thought of what I’d do if someone broke into my condo and stole my computer. I have insurance, but what about all my files? I back up against viruses / crashes on a weekly basis, but all I really do is load everything onto an external drive that I keep right next to my computer. What if they took this too? I’d be beyond screwed.
Should I put a drive in a safety deposit box or something? I can’t imagine there are any decent online services that would let me store a few terabytes of content. Anyone have any good suggestions?
And as a side note: why doesn’t Apple have some sort of ipod-recovery service? Couldn’t they make an ipod deactivated via itunes if it was reported stolen? This bugs me.