PS3 price $612 to $734 ouch again

not only that but supposedly hdmi 2.0 is a must for high def on a PS3 which only a few new hdtvs support so its gonna get pretty costly in the end.

Sony is making the same mistake nintendo is doing by not making God of War a PS3 game same goes for nintendo with zelda, sure you can play both of these games on the new consoles but they wont have any real advantage, maybe except for the nintendo remote, but GoW2 nothing will make it stand out from its PS2 counterpart.

The PS3 is not an expensive game-console, it’s a cheap Blu-Ray player. :look:

Oh, there are ways around HDCP/HDMI :wink:

GoW 2 on the ps2 sucks pretty bad. For me that game on PS3 would take some of the sting off of buying the PS3. Ironically I dont play my 360 as much anymore, they need to hurry up and get some more good games out there.

You obviously dont have Oblivion and burnout revenge :thumb:

Burnout is that the one with the guns on the cars? Kinda reminded me of twisted metal. I will rent Oblivian tonight, Perfect dark was whacked, I shouldnt have bought that one.

just so yall know this was a rumor i cant find the link but some company said this before ps3 released the prices and the ceo of sony said the the ps3 will cost around 500$ USD

I am a gadget freak and a video game junkie. I must have it no matter the cost.

I’m guessing it will cost between $400-$500. There is absolutely no way it’s going to cost over $600 and a very, very slim chance it’ll cost more than $500.

I agree with DDD, I don’t even really care about the price, I’m saving up all my money to get one. They look amazing.

You people are funny. No one hesitates to buy a suped-up computer for $1500. Why would you hesitate to buy a suped-up console with computer capabilities for $750? Gimme a break.

I haven’t been following what the next-gen consoles will be capable of, but I doubt these capabilities will be anywhere near what we demand from our computers. There’s still quite a gap between our current setups and Gates’ vision of having our XBox and PCs and every appliance in our house integrated into one megabrain unit.

I don’t really play games, but when a new Myst title is released, it’s nice to know I can play it on my current PC. But if I were a true gamer, I probably would spend a lot of money on a next-gen console. I’ve dropped thousands on recording equipment, instruments, yo-yos, juggling equipment and cameras. Suppose it’s not too far off from blowing a thousand on a PS3, if it’s your thing.

The price of those games, though. I hardcore gamer could spend anything Sony wants for a PS3, and the price of the games would make it seem like pennies.

i think you were talking about this

No thats full auto your talking about Burnout Rvenge is the game where you gotta crash other gamers in order to get boost and it creates rivalries with said gamers online this game is fantastic its always fun.

The controls are simple too so even your girlfriend can play with you its that fun.

like i ever say… nintendo rox… nintendo revolition will f*** with PS3… ok… no good graphics like PS3… but… Rev will be really revolutionary… control… interactivy… fun… nintendo rox…and the price… hahaha 700 $ for one PS??? they have to be crazy…

Ok… so I’m not that much of a hardcore gamer. It seems like ps3 is a lot of hype, but I seriously doubt how much it will produce. Blue ray = more DRM = bad. Idk how the systems stack up, but you need to consider something:

Its not legal, but many people are open up and mod their Xboxes. No one is stopped them from doing that with ps3.

There comes a point in time where you should be asking yourself, $500+, or new computer and or parts?

Once again, not legal, but im sure you could always “hack” and run an emulation. Its only a matter of time… and blu ray read/write drives.

Not to insult you people, but why waste the money? It comes to a point where it gets rediculous. Also consider they make their profits off of those $50 games…

DUDE!!! why even put the bluray thing in! poor people like me cant afford that crud! i hope sony goes in dept cuz of this and learns to keep it low!

Well read this article here for more PS3 bad news although these are rumors I wanna see how people will react if PS3 has more problems that the x360 at launch,

People complained about xbox1 size and the x360 power brick lets see how PS3 fares in comparison :lol:

My god PS3 seem to be receiving lots of negative news. What is going on with PS3? They postponed the sales of PS3 and now so many bad news about them? Wonder what will happen next?

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Were you referring to the PS3? :stuck_out_tongue: