Alright, thanks to kax I made my n00bish Flash intro
Now all I need is to put it on site! Someone told me that I need to save it as html but when I did export, there was no html extensive thing :x Sorry for my n00bish questions, I just can’t help being a n00bish person with n00bish qualities
technically you don’t save it as html. you embed the swf in an html document
if you don’t know how to do that flash can export both swf and html for you
just go to file | publish setting | formats. make sure you have checked both swf and html and click on publish =)
hehe thanks again, your the best can see a long and tedious time ahead for kax and being hammered with continous n00bish questions :trout:
can see a long and tedious time ahead for kax and being hammered with continous n00bish questions
those times are the best
wow your like 1/100 who would say that
Thanks to you here is my intro
Ack it won’t let other people view it smashes geocities with a hammer
i say that because it reminds me when i was there … when i didn’t know a **** about flash …
by the way … you forgot to upload the html document as well :-\
hehe I’ve been a Flash n00b for over 2 years now :x
Oh ok, looks for html document I know your here somewhere!
Ah got it! Okay it loads reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllyyyy slow on geocities but it works! Finally! WOoohoooo!! hehe thanks again :trout: <— I love this trout guy!
Oh ok, looks for html document I know your here somewhere!
Why do the Flash Gods hate me so? :x When I put in the .html adress it just keeps loading but doesn’t load. stabs html with a fork :trout:
something really quick and basic … might get you in the right direction
[size=1]ps. there might be something wrong with the size or the background … you’d need to fix it ;)[/size]