Putting Flash Intro on site

Alright, thanks to kax I made my n00bish Flash intro :slight_smile:
Now all I need is to put it on site! Someone told me that I need to save it as html but when I did export, there was no html extensive thing :x Sorry for my n00bish questions, I just can’t help being a n00bish person with n00bish qualities :stuck_out_tongue:

technically you don’t save it as html. you embed the swf in an html document :wink:

if you don’t know how to do that flash can export both swf and html for you :slight_smile:

just go to file | publish setting | formats. make sure you have checked both swf and html and click on publish =)

hehe thanks again, your the best :slight_smile: can see a long and tedious time ahead for kax and being hammered with continous n00bish questions :trout:

can see a long and tedious time ahead for kax and being hammered with continous n00bish questions

those times are the best :wink:

wow your like 1/100 who would say that :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks to you here is my intro :slight_smile:

Ack it won’t let other people view it :frowning: smashes geocities with a hammer

i say that because it reminds me when i was there … when i didn’t know a **** about flash … :slight_smile:

by the way … you forgot to upload the html document as well :-\

hehe I’ve been a Flash n00b for over 2 years now :x

Oh ok, looks for html document I know your here somewhere! :stuck_out_tongue:

Ah got it! Okay it loads reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllyyyy slow on geocities but it works! Finally! WOoohoooo!! hehe thanks again :trout: <— I love this trout guy!

Oh ok, looks for html document I know your here somewhere! :stuck_out_tongue:


Why do the Flash Gods hate me so? :x When I put in the .html adress it just keeps loading but doesn’t load. stabs html with a fork :trout:

something really quick and basic … might get you in the right direction :slight_smile:

[size=1]ps. there might be something wrong with the size or the background … you’d need to fix it ;)[/size]