Boys boys boys… Have we quite finished with the macho posturing?
Aaah, c’mon, it’s part of the game
yeah, we’ll settle this one in the arena methinks…
ready? :beam:
I have to get internet upstairs first … but I’m ready allright :bad:
*Originally posted by Voetsjoeba *
**I hate the railgun, that’s a woosy’s weaponAnd I don’t need to be in your range, cuz your dead when “Asphalt ate Voetsjoeba’s rocket” :bad: **
actually, i think the rocket launcher is a woosy weapon cause it doesn’t take skill to fire it.
It does the way I use it … :bad:
Lightning… now that is the weapon of the Gods (aka me :P)
Voet - can’t you get an extension cable? or take your PC downstairs? I want to kick your butt! I really can’t wait! hurry up so I can beat you down boooooy! :thumb:
WAOW. I JUST GOT my new PC p4 2.8 !!!
I must test Urban terror !!!
hey, asphalt, did/can you setup a server? i’d like to freshen up my q3 skills. (installs q3…)
*Originally posted by asphaltcowboy *
**Lightning… now that is the weapon of the Gods (aka me :P)
Voet - can’t you get an extension cable? or take your PC downstairs? I want to kick your butt! I really can’t wait! hurry up so I can beat you down boooooy! :thumb: **
I’d love to :bad:, but I wouldn’t be able to anyway. You see, when we switch internet connection we have to wait an hour before the connection gets back. And my brother’s pc (the Quake 3 one), is so ****ed up that it crashes every two seconds …
Now that I think about it … I have a problem ! :-\
I’ll “format c:” my brother’s pc sometimes, and hopefully it will get better … Or, we’ll take it to the repairshop. And then, then, my young padawan … :bad:
*Originally posted by Voetsjoeba *
**And then, then, my young padawan … :bad: **
and then I’ll kick your arse
thor: not sure my conn would be good enough to set up a network on, especially with my router/firewall in the way. whereabouts are you? I’ll find some potential servers and you can ping them to test you conn
if you’ve got osp, that’d be great - a 1v1 server will be considerably less laggy than most others
I have DSL so i may be able to setup a server (that’d be a first :sigh:**). just tell me, what version are y’all using so i know which one to get.
I’ll have to update mine, cuz I was only able to play on LAN before …
Im not a noob in CS ! im good at it. Thats why I like the game better than Q3. But in Q3 its boring becouse im a Noob in it.
blast: it’s all about practice m8. q3 might seem harder because you can’t just camp in one spot waiting for the next sucker to turn up.
thor: latest version is point release 1.32 - comes with punkbuster which is good (make sure you aren’t cheating or using ogc! :P)
[size=1]whispers: get OSP :thumb:[/size]
oh i love q3. I love the thrill of being able to shoot people with the rocket launcher in mid-air, or ricocheting a grenade from around the corner at some unexpecting player. I love this game.
AC: i’m currently downloading that mod from threewave, is that what you’re talking about?
I like real like things not some fansy boring weapon models and player models ! but maybe becouse I like real life weapons and not Q3 weapons…
there are plenty of places to get the 1.32 point release… the point release filename is: q3pointrelease_132.exe in case you wanted to search for it. should be pretty easy to find. use to find all the info/filenames, but chances are you won’t be able to download of PQ itself… FilePlanet links :sigh:
oh and go here… :thumb:
*Originally posted by thoriphes *
**AC: i’m currently downloading that mod from threewave, is that what you’re talking about? **
yes, but for 1v1, OSP (that link above: Orange Smoothie Productions :)) is the way to go… you might wanna get that first and foremost since you need quite a few people for threewave
ok, i started downloading OSP, should be done in 20 minutes as of this post.
cool! do you wanna test the ping on a public 1v1 server? or shall I see if I can rustle up a 1v1 server cfg that we can test on your connection?