Hey all… just ignore this if you’re not a new member. I met a couple of guys in a Freeze tag match and told them to come on over.
So if any of you guys read this, I’m MysteryMeat. Welcome to Kirupa. Make yourselves at home.
Hey all… just ignore this if you’re not a new member. I met a couple of guys in a Freeze tag match and told them to come on over.
So if any of you guys read this, I’m MysteryMeat. Welcome to Kirupa. Make yourselves at home.
MysteryMeat? Very good…
haha… you should rename yourself Spam then…
But Quake III?! lol…
I never really got into Quake at all… I preferred the hard core team related battles of Team Fortress Classic.
I liked quake… thats the game I played the summer before college… There was this one map, set in space or something… it had no walls or anything, and it was freaking awesome… I loved it.
But then came Unreal Tournament… that was even better…
I was a Half-Life and Doom guy…
Half-Life and all it’s mods… I helped out with a couple here and there with little bits and pieces of code… It was fun… Very fun
counter strike was freaking awesome…
But are there going to be any full on War games coming out anytime soon? Like when you pit at least 50 vs 50?
I loved the Day of Defeat mod for half life… I wish they made something like that for more players, and with bigger maps
It’s doubtful they will come out with soemthing like that for a long time man… Maybe in a couple of years…
Just the sheer power it would take from any machine or connection type to handle 100 guys in a single game in a map would be crazy…
They did it like a mmorpg set up… Where it would only display those closest to you and a simple location when near factor would apply for everything else…
Not sure… it would be awesome though doing that…
Some of the mods are awesome and some were just plain stupid… The one… Half-Life Rally I helped out a bit. That was looking to be sweet.
Well I’ve already gone through this, but I’ll repeat it. HL is a cool game, one of the coolest ever to come out. But they should never have included the Tau Cannon. It’s a game spoiler, and makes the technology that one has, the main factor in who wins and loses. UT is a great game too, but too sluggish unless you have a really good connection. QIII can be played well by almost anyone with a 56k connection or better. I like QIII because it’s simple yet effective for what I like playing those games for.
The Humor of MysteryMeat being spam goes further than you might think since I’m a spam maniac in the game. That is to say, I have no problem throwing down 20 rockets in a straffing run just to do a few points of damage… which they call spamming. Hence, MysteryMeat was born.
The space level with no walls is probebly “The longest yard”. Though there are a few of them in the game.
Ah, Doom… I remember installing that on my school’s network when I was 16 and just starting my A Levels. There were only six of us in the computing class, and we used to spend every free moment at break, lunch and lessons playing it against each other.
When the teacher was away, we had a field day. Until the one time when he was away, then actually turned up in the middle of the lesson. He came in to find all the PCs had simultaneously reset themselves. “Power cut, sir. Honest.” Happy days.
lol… doom… I loved that game.
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