Looking for HALF-LIFE Death Match meat

I was wondering if anybody plays Half Life here…
If so, why dont you join us (me and a friend of mine) tonight (CET 11:00 PM) for some fragging? We can play teams or anything for that matter. We also have some excellent maps.

If you interested, please add me to your MSN or ICQ list, and ill get back to you for the IP address of the server before tonight.

P.S. I live in Belgium, so I hope this isnt an issue when it comes to pings.

ICQ: 4791327
MSN: superfraglord@hotmail.com



i got two buddies and myself that have CS, but we can play DM classic. but tonight is not good b/c its gonna be like 12 or 1 in the morning here. someother time…

I havent played HL classic DM in some time.

Throw me an email if you guys actually set up a time, I would like to join in.


I play half-life and I’ve played about 4 days worth of counter-strike. But I don’t like the half-life multiplayer. Some of the guns are just way too powerful. They were designed for the single-player game to be used conservatively since there wasn’t much ammo, but there is too much ammo in multi and people die so easily. .

Not only that Nailz, but they actually increased the effectivness of the tau cannon in multiplayer. It’s the one complaint I have with the game. A competent player with an expensive sound system can simply pick people off from anywhere on the board. There’s no skill in that at all, and so the game has lost all apeal to me.