Quake 3: Arena

anyone here play Quake 3 (be it regularly or otherwise)? I’ve kinda got back into playing it after a few months whilst I was revising and finishing my art course. So if anyone fancies some gaming, just lemme know. I tend to play Threewave (ctf mod) mostly, but OSP or regular q3 are just as good alternatives.

PM me if you fancy a game :slight_smile:

I love Q3. I’m more or a CTF fan than anything else. I’d be willing to play if anyone wants to set up something.

I’m more of a Soldat gamer :sure:

yeah, i’ve been playing a lot of Soldat recently… what kind of conn you got eilsoe? I think me and kit (and possibly Soul, depending on his filming) will be on a public later this evening. we’ll let you know (if you’re online :))

thor… cool :slight_smile: probably issues with lag depending on the server we join… you being US and me being Uk and all… we’ll see… OSP duel? :stuck_out_tongue:

I have a 512/128 DSL conn… sadly, my dad sits on half of it…

I played against Soul the other day, and my server lagged UNbelievably hella lot…

so… :-\ But I’d love ta play against ya’ll :beam:

yeah, i was talking to kit about how bad the netcode is atm.
we’ll find a public server, that should help with some of the lag problems… whereabouts are you? need to find a place as close to both you and the UK as poss (hopefully not the middle of the atlantic ;))

I LOVE Q3 ! I’m getting internet upstairs soon, so maybe I’ll be able to join you guys sometimes =)

I love CS more than Q3 but I whant to give Q3 a try and I whant to meet u guys in a server if you with !

hehe, asphalt, I live in denmark (right beside you), so it shouldn’t be too hard to find a “local” server :slight_smile:

edit: btw A, what kind of maps do you prefer? I was thinking about cooking up a new map… CTF? DM? RAMBOW???

I love rambow matches =)

haven’t tried rambo yet, but I read the manual… it sounds fun! :slight_smile:
at the moment, I prefer DM because I’m still getting used to playing it, but I had a 2v2 with me and Soul against 2 bots which was fun. I tried a public game of 3v3 CTF, but spent most of the time 4v2 lol, so that wasn’t great :slight_smile:

new map eh? sounds cool… we’ll have to be your beta testers :wink:

Voetsjoeba and BlastBoy: very cool, very cool. I used to play CS before it went all to sht with hacks and wnkers. q3: we’ll have to find a server that everyone has a half-decent ping on and play - if we can’t do that, we’ll have to play on a small OSP 1v1 server and duel it out :slight_smile:

be prepared to get 0wned :wink:

DM17 !! My favourite map … :wink:

hehehe :slight_smile: mine too :wink: (well… of the non-ctf, non-1v1 maps anyway :P)

I’m up for a game or two tonight of Soldat with you guys… :slight_smile:

Soul has been kicking my arse for the most part, but I whipped him at Capture the Flag twice the other night, so I’m on a roll. :bad:

Most of the time though, I am truly pants without the aid of Worms-style exploding sheep. :sure: :stuck_out_tongue:

[SIZE=1]Oh, and I see you joined DeviantART Asphalt. :)[/SIZE]

kit, just so you know it, I own Soul in soldat, so prepare to get creamed :bad:

I think soldat is boring :moustache but sometimes its cool :q:

*Originally posted by Kitiara *
**[SIZE=1]Oh, and I see you joined DeviantART Asphalt. :)[/SIZE] **
lol! aye, I joined a while ago. It’s a testiment to my general laziness and crapness that I haven’t put any work up yet :slight_smile: Tbh, I really don’t like DA: it takes waaaaaay to long to load (admittedly, today it’s been pretty quick :))

I haven’t put much up since I got my own site. :slight_smile: Still update occasionally though. There’s a whole load of people on here that have accounts. :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by eilsoe *
**kit, just so you know it, I own Soul in soldat, so prepare to get creamed :bad: **
yeah… with the aid of lag… or so I hear… :slight_smile:

(then again, it was probably just Soul being a bad loser ;):P:P)

When it lags on one com, it lags on the others as well…

it’s just Soul being a sore loser :stuck_out_tongue:


OK, I think I’m going to be spending most of my time running away from you two. :stuck_out_tongue: And Soul if he’s around. :sure: