anyone here play Quake 3 (be it regularly or otherwise)? I’ve kinda got back into playing it after a few months whilst I was revising and finishing my art course. So if anyone fancies some gaming, just lemme know. I tend to play Threewave (ctf mod) mostly, but OSP or regular q3 are just as good alternatives.
yeah, i’ve been playing a lot of Soldat recently… what kind of conn you got eilsoe? I think me and kit (and possibly Soul, depending on his filming) will be on a public later this evening. we’ll let you know (if you’re online :))
thor… cool probably issues with lag depending on the server we join… you being US and me being Uk and all… we’ll see… OSP duel?
yeah, i was talking to kit about how bad the netcode is atm.
we’ll find a public server, that should help with some of the lag problems… whereabouts are you? need to find a place as close to both you and the UK as poss (hopefully not the middle of the atlantic ;))
haven’t tried rambo yet, but I read the manual… it sounds fun!
at the moment, I prefer DM because I’m still getting used to playing it, but I had a 2v2 with me and Soul against 2 bots which was fun. I tried a public game of 3v3 CTF, but spent most of the time 4v2 lol, so that wasn’t great
new map eh? sounds cool… we’ll have to be your beta testers
Voetsjoeba and BlastBoy: very cool, very cool. I used to play CS before it went all to sht with hacks and wnkers. q3: we’ll have to find a server that everyone has a half-decent ping on and play - if we can’t do that, we’ll have to play on a small OSP 1v1 server and duel it out
*Originally posted by Kitiara *
**[SIZE=1]Oh, and I see you joined DeviantART Asphalt. :)[/SIZE] **
lol! aye, I joined a while ago. It’s a testiment to my general laziness and crapness that I haven’t put any work up yet Tbh, I really don’t like DA: it takes waaaaaay to long to load (admittedly, today it’s been pretty quick :))
*Originally posted by eilsoe *
**kit, just so you know it, I own Soul in soldat, so prepare to get creamed :bad: **
yeah… with the aid of lag… or so I hear…
(then again, it was probably just Soul being a bad loser ;):P:P)