Question about flash5 AS & flashMX AS

I have one .fla file that is the cool effect. my question is when i open it in flashMX and then export as Flash6 swf file. it doesn’t work as the Flash5! anybody can tell me why? I spent about 1 hour but I’m not familiar with FlashMX AS much. Any help would be appreciated.
this is the .fla >> cool.fla

The only suggestion I can make is to go to and check out any current info they have about deprecated script from 5 to MX. They had a lot posted about the transition from 4 to 5 within just a few weeks of the release.

Then you have to look for those things in the FLA and find ways of changing them over.

Seems odd though. I hadn’t heard of anything being deprecated from 5 to MX. I thought all the 5.0 scripts would work fine in 6.0.

Deprecated methods are not the problem. Usually, it’s “just” a matter of variable scope. I’ll have a look at your fla.

pom :asian:

I try checking the variable scope but find nothing. :pirate: i’ll keep trying.

I examined the code that resides in first frame last night and found that the code doesn’t work when publish in FlashMX swf.
I don’t know how the code works in FlashMX but one thing that I know is that code works well in Flash5. BUT I need to use it as FlashMX. The following is the code that makes me confused!!
//it’s simple to duplicate the clip 7 times and positions them in x-axis.
for (i=1; i<8; i++) {
duplicateMovieClip (“object0”, “object”+i, i);
MovieClip.prototype.pos= function(){
_x = 100*number;

// the code in the clip
BUT this clip doesn’t work in MX!!! anyone know please tell me …
PS. sorry for my english=)

Try the code this way:

//it’s simple to duplicate the clip 7 times and positions them in x-axis.
for (i=1; i<8; i++) {
duplicateMovieClip (“object0”, “object”+i, i);

MovieClip.prototype.pos= function(){
this._x = 100*this.number;

Should work, I tried it in MX.
You forgot the ‘this’-reference in the prototype-declaration.

thank you very much. i never think about “this” before. :stuck_out_tongue:

Variable scope… And just a few things about the code:

for (i=1; i<8; i++) {
mc=duplicateMovieClip ("object0", "object"+i, i);
MovieClip.prototype.pos= function(){
this._x = 100*this.number;

pom :asian: