Question avout Clip

I like to know if what I want is possible :

I have 3 Movieclips called “Clip1” , “Clip2” and “Clip3”

I have a empty scene, and a variable call [Whatload] , the possible value of this variable is “Clip1” or “Clip2” or “Clip3”

I want to load the correct movieclip in my scene by my variable [Whatload] and put it to the location (X=10, Y=10).

How I can do that ?

Thanks in advance


you have to make sure your clips have a linkage ID associated with them in the library. To do that, you can either right click on the library symbol or use the library menu with the symbol selected and choose linkage. Then, export for actionscript and give each the appropriate name, either “Clip1” , “Clip2” or “Clip3”. Now, when you want to add whatever one to the scene you use

_root.attachMovie(Whatload, Whatload, 1, {_x:10, _y:10});

where Whatload is either “Clip1” or “Clip2” or “Clip3”. The first Whatload represents which linkage id to grab from the library and the second gives the newly attached clip the instance name of whatevers in Whatload. 1 represents the depth and the _x _y are the position assignments.

Thanks you, It works very fine.
