Question for the big man

Kirupa, this has been buggin me for a long time, so I gotta get your opinion on it.

Does the word kirupian freak you out? Like when everyone is a child of Kirupa. Except, Kirupa is a person, not a thing, so it would totally scare the crap out of me.
See, if everyone went around going “I’m a Joshian” I’d be like whoah… calm down killer. Or something cool like that.
So does it freak you out or does it help you realize that you have really done a lot with your life and your a huge inspiration to us?

Kirupian is a cool word. its like we’re a nation or something=)

I don’t consider it weird at all. I think Kirupian sounds like the inhabitants of some alien planet :slight_smile: Even I use the word Kirupian in my day-to-day conversations with my friends hehe.

28 - what’s the forums’ url?
who’s the admin? kirupa
who are forum members? kirupians!!

fluid_0ne i get where it came from
that wasnt the question

kirupa, lol thats awesome

i understand that you are afraid of “being in shadow of kirupa”, but that’s what nicks are for… :wink:

I think it would freak me out as well… but I’m glad that we are Kirupians and not Davians… that just doesn’t sound right. :slight_smile:

well, nobody would follow a “Timmite” …

a “Timosian” maybe…

but never a “Timian.”

but really, I’ve never given it much thought :wink:


hm…Timmite sounds a bit like a bug that eats through walls. “Davian” actually sounds cool.

Davian sounds like a water…heheh

heeh imagine being Calaverians - way too long to spell.

i never really realized we used UBman’s first name that often.
But it’s still cooler than being Chinnathambians.

Chinnathambians shesh! imagine if it was i would never come here!way to long to spell lol

:blush: I wish I had a cool name like kirupa. My name doesn’t sound cool in anyway, but theres tons of ways to insult it. :blush:


*Originally posted by *
**Chinnathambians shesh! imagine if it was i would never come here!way to long to spell lol **


Bookmarks buddy. I’d still come here, but if I’m not at home, I’d never figure out how to spell it.


i have so many book marks, they become unimportant to me. when ever i come here i type it out, same with anysite i go to a lot.

You have the brain capacity to remember that. I don’t. I hardly remember my password for a lot of things. Since I’ve been here, I had to retrieve my password countless amount of times already.


Tip: reuse yor password on everything. =)

Visserarians? I’m not the leader of a secret underground visectomy group! :S

Mantarians on the other hands sounds good. =P