What does:
“Discuss Traditional forms of discrimination against people who are socioeconomoically disadvantaged” mean exactly?
What does:
“Discuss Traditional forms of discrimination against people who are socioeconomoically disadvantaged” mean exactly?
in my mind: “don’t diss da poor d00dz maaaan…”
or something similar… big words come out puddly in my head… so…
To talk about traditional (b*tchy) forms of discrimination against the disadvantaged in our socioecomical society, basically meaning the poor and/or people that are alone without friends etc.
Like eilsoe said - it’s basically discussing discrimination against the poor.
socioeconomical disadvantage also refers to factors other than just financial status. You could look at representation in the media (gender, ethnicity), geographical location (people in rural areas and people in ‘projects’ oftern don’t have the same social support structures available as those living in affluent communities). A good issue that there is lots of research available on is gender in the workplace - women make less money than men for the same job, although this is slowly changing. Another is looking at the educational opportunities ( both post secondary and public secondary) that are available (inequality) to people of different socioeconomic demographics. If you need a push in the right direction, let me know. (I’m majoring in communication and cultural studies)
be quiet
finds cliff notes
in my mind it’s more something like “find traditional ways to twit some down-and-outs”
That for the info Drew. Right now I need to finish on my Legal Studies assignment on this and I was hoping you might have any links? However, it needs to be within Australia im afraid.
This assignment only requires me 700 words which is nothing. Starting it and getting info was the hard bit. The question is so broad though. Bloddy hell, my teacher gave the topic of Migrants to my classmates which is alot easier and sicne ive dne it already.
minimalistik sighs
Well, I don’t know much about Australia, but heres a tasty link for you:
There’s a wealth of subtopics there to research a bit further, employment, education, healthcare…take your pick. Also, I think this was the first link on a google search of the key terms in your first post. Plenty more there.
dr.ew… where were you when I was in school?
hmmm…prolly in skool. =]
I agree with drew. It means to discuss discrimination against anyone who is disadvantaged by today’s political/economical society like the people dr.ew mentioned.
Thanks for everyone’s reply I finished it yesterday night.
[font=Comic Sans MS][color=seagreen]Off Topic:[/color][/font]
Is “yesterday night” correct grammar? I remember some teacher saying “use ‘last night’”.
(gah, i don’t know the “off topic” macro, so made a fake one :lol: )
Is “yesterday night” correct grammar? I remember some teacher saying “use ‘last night’”.
(gah, i don’t know the “off topic” macro, so made a fake one )
you can use either. Same sh*t different smell
it’s [ o t] [/ o t]
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