Quick bg

quick OSXP bg for windows :slight_smile:

www.avalon-rev.dk/junk/osxp.jpg (1280x1024)

for use with the MAC style from StyleXP :slight_smile:

took me about 10 minutes with the tut from robouk :slight_smile:

very slick :slight_smile:

but maybe it’ll look better if u change the windows logo to the actual colours?

I have that style and I use it quite a lot. It’s really sweet. :stuck_out_tongue:

yeah use the windows colors on the logo…but it is still sweet

oo i like it…you know i could have given you a bg from OSX :stuck_out_tongue: hehe but sweet anyway, i like it but if they say use the colours, use the colours :-\ (got a 1024x786 layin around?)

dipster: Not before monday… I have the PSD at work :sure:

I’ll try and use the windows colors on the logo :slight_smile:

hehe dont worry about it!