Quick Edit!

*Originally posted by thoriphes *
**Hey, Kirupalooza, wouldn’t it be cool if there was a QuickBan as well? Dan would flip.

:stuck_out_tongue: **

You know… I didn’t really know what you guys were talking about “Quick edit” before today. (you know I miss features regularly for long periods.) but I just saw it and used it. Very nice feature Kman and eilsoe. Thanks.

Like the quick edit. Very much.

hey, monty, long time no see, buddy.

Im on here every day, believe it or not… I just dont post as much. It seems that by the time I get away to reading someones question, someone has already answered it. HEHEHEH… That’s good, though.

I also visited your site… I like your experiments… I’ve never set out to venture with any of those things. I really should. I was really tempted when Ilyas had those graphs or whatever they were called. Still never got around to it… :slight_smile:

Yep, I have to say the Quick Edit feature rocks my world. With all the Alt-tabbing at work, and my advanced Frenchhood, it’s awfuly hrd to typ corretly. [size=1]<-- Nah, see??[/size]

I, unfortunately, still shoot for <strike>teh</strike> the EDIT/DEL button. :frowning:

edit: but this time i didn’t :stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by thoriphes *
**I, unfortunately, still shoot for <strike>teh</strike> the EDIT/DEL button. :frowning:

edit: but this time i didn’t :stuck_out_tongue: **

<strike>yeha</strike> yeah same here :blush:

edit: but this time i didn’t :stuck_out_tongue:

edit2: it’s funny because I really did mess that up :slight_smile: