Quick Reply Window!

I know you just added it Kirupa, and you may change it before you read this… but…


Thank you :slight_smile:

Sorry, I kind of freaked… lol. It took up my whole window, I got confused… ahhh…

Anywho… YAY!!!


I already used it :slight_smile: It is so cool.

Hey lost!
Yeah, you probably saw it while I was trying to get it installed. If you kept on refreshing it, you may have seen some strange things such as me trying to get the smiley box to display. Anyhoo, I removed the smiley list from the quick reply - it took up way too much space :slight_smile:

Kirupa :bounce:

Yeah I saw that smiley box, it looked really bad.

Perhaps though, you can just add a link to open the smilies window, like the Get More link in the smilies box on regular replies.

I guess I’ll try that in a bit - now to e-mail sponsors about the footer contest. I am typing this in the Quick Reply area =)

haha, this quick reply is cool, although sometimes I still find myself clicking on the post reply button.

Old habits die hard.

heheh this is cool, so convenient. You really know how to spoil us Kirupa!!

I check out other forums as well and some of them don’t even have the auto subscribe feature so each time you post on a thread, you would have to click on a subcribe link just so that it would show up in your user cp.

And some don’t even have “Who’s Online” featrue so I wasn’t able to spy on anyone.

This forum has it all, thanks Kirupa!! =)

Yeah, I hate those forums that don’t auto-subscribe to the threads you post in. You come back and think “wha?? no replies” then you check the thread and its got like 4 pages or new replies!

Grrr, I have seen a few forums like that, drives me nuts!

Well, back when the forums moved to VB, there was hardly anything there as well. If it wasn’t for eilsoe’s Online button, I would have never known such a feature existed. Of course, h88’s constant IM requests to add all of these features helped ensure that I got them on quickly :rambo:

Kirupa :blush:


I just found out the hard way… if your first reply to a thread is with the Quick Reply box, then you aren’t auto-subscribed to the thread. I noticed when the “Crazy Quick Reply” thread got replies for Phil and Kirupa and I didn’t get updated to it.


Is subscribing the same as E-Mail notification? I see something similar to that in the following URL: http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=34597&perpage=15&display=&pagenumber=1

Kirupa :bad:

I don’t know, I think it might be, because I do get e-mail notified. But I don’t know much about forums, I am only a member of like 3, but only post on this one :crazy:

Oh, and I can’t view that thread as it is for members only.

ok, I’ll enable it anyway then - tell me if it works. It’ll take a few mins for me to get it working.

Just reply in here when you think you got it working. And I will test.

yeah, I just enabled it. Tell me if it works =)

Works great :slight_smile:

I love it. Thank you Kirupa! its like a b-day present to me! :slight_smile:

*My b-day is Monday, March 17th (get me something good) :stuck_out_tongue:

Very cool kman. This is great! :stuck_out_tongue: