Is there a way to make your fps on a movie clip faster than that in the document properties?
yep …
<a href=“”><img border=“0” src=“” width=“56” height=“18”></a>
Ok I figured it out. Please disregard the question.
it’s always most likely that the answer is somewhere in the forums … and you just have to search for it
Ok i added this script to the mc,
onClipEvent (enterframe) {
but now it won’t stop on the last frame. I’ve put a stop action into the last frame but it’s still looping.
Confused yet again,
sounds like your function is ‘missing’ the stop frame–try adding keyframes/stop on either side of your current one…
try this:
fps = function () {
if (this._currentframe != this._totalframes) {
} else {
fpsi = setInterval(fps, milliseconds);
place it in the movie clip timeline
nice one, kax–better than my lazy answer…:goatee:
I put it in the timeline but it’s still doing it.
Any clue?
I also tried adding extra keyframes w/stop and nothing.
have you replaced milliseconds with the number of milliseconds you want to wait between every execution ?
and thanks mojo
i did that. i’m sick of this insane program. i’m going to quit for the day and maybe something will come to me tomorrow. thanks for the help you guys. i want to grow up and be as smart as you one day. lol
yep … clear your mind and everything will be fine