just a quick question kinda urgent is there a way of making the fps of parts of a movie e.g. the buttons faster than the rest i need my buttons to fade fast but the rest of it a little slower
just a quick question kinda urgent is there a way of making the fps of parts of a movie e.g. the buttons faster than the rest i need my buttons to fade fast but the rest of it a little slower
well… not that I know of… I think the only way is to make one animation longer, the other shorter or was it… the other way around! Well… one has more frames and the other less…
Its possible with this lil tid bit of code:
function playNextFrame() {
setInterval(playNextFrame, 2000/2000 );
Convert your buttons to movieclips then place that code on a new layer and on the first frame. As of right now the code is set at 2000 fps so adjust the numbers to whatever suits you. I attached a simple fla to help you see what I’m talking about. Hope it helps. =)
Dammit, i forgot the fla…
Here it is. =)
ahhh! why didn’t think of that???
Here is a handy one and easy to use:
Put this script in ur _root timeline:
// Set the FPS you've set in Flashmovie...
_root.orgFPS = 40;
function internal(sender) {
if (sender._currentframe == sender._totalframes) {
MovieClip.prototype.play = function(fps) {
if (!fps) fps = _root.orgFPS+2;
fps = 1000/fps;
unique = setInterval( _root.internal, fps, this);
MovieClip.prototype.stop = function() {
clearInterval( unique );
(** Usage: **)
MovieClip.play(fps);//set ur fps here :)
Hope it helps,
cheers guys thats wot i was lookin for i aint must of a scripter
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