OMGFG!!! Kirupa added a quick reply thing at the bottom!!
i could just kiss him!!! !!!
i was dreaming of this!!!
Kirupa, your the best!!!
and cool new smilies!
<---- where is his partner, Luigi! and we need yoshi and princess and koopa
OMGFG!!! Kirupa added a quick reply thing at the bottom!!
i could just kiss him!!! !!!
i was dreaming of this!!!
Kirupa, your the best!!!
and cool new smilies!
<---- where is his partner, Luigi! and we need yoshi and princess and koopa
Umm mak… We got a thread like this already buddy
who cares, i was begging Kirupa for this for a long whil, he said it couldn’t be done with this version of VB without a messy hack and i was like okay and he was like okay and i was like okay then he stared at me and i stared back and we went our seperate ways
only thing is that this is kinda small…but oh well, most people don’t write more then 5 lines
oh yea, then kirupa tried bombing my house
i survived
he shall pay
Kirupa vs Mak…
… Somehow, a vision of Michael Jackson’s video beat it came to mind…
(eddie vedder playing in the background)
Interesting enough… Yeha I think he should put a limit ont he quick bar… Something like it has to be under 2000 characters and it can’t include images or anything… That way it’ll serve it’s real purpose…
QUICK hehe… Basically it’s for MODEM users or Spammers
na, quick reply is a conveniant way to reply to a msg, but yea
it IS useful to dialups and spammers…
i think the benefits outwiegh the spammers…
slaps Smappers
dam smappers
lmao… Yeah man… I agree… I like to conversationlize alot… But I’m checking the other forums here every so often to see if I can help also… I think I help enough to outweigh my little bit of conversationalizing
this is nuts…outta control…too many posts
i can’t keep up
I must go back in time to warn Kirupa of dangers of this new system
"Time machine: check
clothes: check
food: check
gun to kill kirupa with: check
bullets: check
Evidence eliminator: check
time machine remote control: chec…oh wait
where the hell did i place that thing!!!
guess i won’t be able to undo this"
…I found your remote.
…Nooo…it’s supposed to be - “I’ve got yerRemote~RightCheer!”
no you don’t, cuz it was in my *****crack
so…do you have it NOW? HAH!
…Yes? …no?
Woah… That’s mroe info than I needed to know buddy! :beam:
martian is right.
how do you like MY makeover?
the old one looked too much like Ghandi…it was annoying me
What are you, some sort of … RE fan?
and how can you possibly be senocular in disguise
sen is cool!
haha, j/k
He is cool, fool! How dare you joke!
[psst] by the by, I’m not dense, I got it, but… yeah. [/psst]
ok, good thing you got it, i didn’t want to explain myself
random joke:
a man walks into a bar and sits at the bartender table thing. He then asks if the bartender wants to hear a blonde joke. So the blonde girl next to him overhears this and says to him “I’m a 6`4 250 pound blonde, the bartender is a blonde, the guy at that table is a heavyweight boxer and he is blonde, the cop over there is a blonde, so consider carefully if you want to tell a blonde joke.” So the guy looks frustrated and says, “Not if i have to explain myself 5 times!!”
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