Whoa, is that reply to thread box thing at the top of threads new?
cuz thats awesome
Oh wow! This is way cool!
This makes spamming even eaiser haha :beam:
- Soul :goatee:
Oh ok, good response
I think it needs like a mini-smilie bar tho.
just a thought
bye bye everyone, I’m goin to work
Its still work in progress.
Yeah, watching me wrestle the Reply Box into submission would have been a great blooper for some TV show. Long story short, yeah, the smiley box too much space, I don’t know why the Quick Reply box was on the top of the forums…well, that’s pretty much what happened. No long story today folks :sleep:
this was one of the very little things that the forums missed… its pretty cool
yeah, this is pretty nifty - this allows for more SPMs (Spams Per Minute).
SMP haha thats a good one. this is pretty cool how we can go to this new box. its a great idea.
*Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *
I already have them believing they cant do more than 1 post every two minutes using those boxes----Shhhh.
Hmmmm, me smells something fishhhy :trout:
Heh :beam:
- Soul :s:
the forum didnt miss it, but if it vanished now - the forum would miss it!
I like it, so you can safe one click… ;p
yeah i like the new reply box. its really easy to get to and reply to thread’s, before lostinbeta beats you to it…
Yah it saves one whole page loading - I love it!
Majeye, you changed everything around - your footer, your avitar - I didnt even know it was you!
hey … this is pretty cool =)
i’ve been offline for the last two days and now everything has changed … i love it
this is my first post from it because I’ve been afraid of it. Not sure
why, but it’s giving me the creeps. I think it’s really an agent to
collect personal information from me.
[paranoid - looks over his shoulder]
You must now be terminated for stumbling onto the truth.
see? this is what I was afraid of! Man, one lousy post and now
I’m about to be termina…[goes offline]
From all of here that users a 56k modem… THANK YOU!
I hate loading up new pages unless I have to. :beam: