Crazy reply box

Whoa, is that reply to thread box thing at the top of threads new?
cuz thats awesome

Oh wow! This is way cool!

This makes spamming even eaiser haha :beam:

  • Soul :goatee:


Oh ok, good response

I think it needs like a mini-smilie bar tho.

just a thought

bye bye everyone, I’m goin to work

Its still work in progress.

Yeah, watching me wrestle the Reply Box into submission would have been a great blooper for some TV show. Long story short, yeah, the smiley box too much space, I don’t know why the Quick Reply box was on the top of the forums…well, that’s pretty much what happened. No long story today folks :sleep:

this was one of the very little things that the forums missed… its pretty cool :slight_smile:

yeah, this is pretty nifty - this allows for more SPMs (Spams Per Minute).

SMP haha thats a good one. this is pretty cool how we can go to this new box. its a great idea.

*Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *
I already have them believing they cant do more than 1 post every two minutes using those boxes----Shhhh.

Hmmmm, me smells something fishhhy :trout:

Heh :beam:

  • Soul :s:

the forum didnt miss it, but if it vanished now - the forum would miss it!


I like it, so you can safe one click… ;p

yeah i like the new reply box. its really easy to get to and reply to thread’s, before lostinbeta beats you to it…

Yah it saves one whole page loading - I love it!

Majeye, you changed everything around - your footer, your avitar - I didnt even know it was you!

hey … this is pretty cool =)

i’ve been offline for the last two days and now everything has changed … i love it :wink:

this is my first post from it because I’ve been afraid of it. Not sure
why, but it’s giving me the creeps. I think it’s really an agent to
collect personal information from me.

[paranoid - looks over his shoulder]



You must now be terminated for stumbling onto the truth.

see? this is what I was afraid of! Man, one lousy post and now
I’m about to be termina…[goes offline]

From all of here that users a 56k modem… THANK YOU!

I hate loading up new pages unless I have to. :beam: