Quitting smoking....again

Who is going to quit with me?

I have a revised plan this time. Last time I thought it would be ok to smoke 1 cig here and there, which turned into 2, 3, 4 and eventually back to full time smoking. So this time, once I quit I’m done.

My last day of smoking will be February 28th.


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I’ll quit with you.

Haha! This is my favorite thread resurrection :stuck_out_tongue:


I hope @GreenLantern was able to quit.

Wow. Kirupa.com always reels me back in somehow. haha.

I quit smoking for reals about 8 years ago. Yay!


You quit smoking and Kirupa at the same time.


It’s official. Kirupa causes smoking.


There is a smoke-free color theme somewhere that is waiting to get configured for the forums!

How have you been @GreenLantern? Are you hopeful of a revision of this film similar to Zack Snyder and Justice League? :film_projector::hamburger:

I’ll never quit kirupa!

@kirupa One can dream right?

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Awesome! Congratulations.

I’m down to quit with you. I’m not a smoker but i’m here for you

Very good if you quit, I suggest to all visitors, if you love your life & your family then quit it.