
Hello, has anyone seen any examples of an actionscript rainbow gradient on a curve?

they have a pretty good example of how to use the beginGradientFill function in the help files. to create the curve, just create two curves and close them with 2 lines or whatever.

I never took the time to understand how that gradient function worked cause it looked too complex, but i’m sure it’s pretty powerful.

yeah, but i’m trying to figure out how to have the gradient curve also, if i use the gradient fill script i dont know how to have it curve

oh…well i can’t help you there, sorry. :frowning:

i don’t think it’s even possible outside of flash, without a little shape manipulation.

Thats cool, I just got interested in this like three days ago, and here somebody posts about it!! I ended up finding enough info to put this together. Let me know if it helps. Its pretty complicated.

also I didnt really label anything all that clearly… sorry :slight_smile:

that’s a pretty nice file :slight_smile:

I too didn’t bother experimenting with beginGradientFill just for the fact that it seemed somewhat too complex… :stuck_out_tongue: