I was just sitting around tonight and some inspiration hit me and it turned out to be this. Just curious what people thought of it.
I really like the green you used, its a very cool design! Little hard to read “When the days end” in my opinion, but it’s still pretty sweet looking!
Are the butterflies a brush?
I think it looks pretty sweet. I agree that the green is a good color.
I agree it’s a nice shade of green you got there…
only the butterflies bother me, they look misplaced
You should have the butterflies swoosh over the camera :thumb:
It was originally this washed out red and I decided to try some different colors and I stumbled across the green.
I agree about the “When the days end”, I was having problems getting it to read more clearly. Any Suggestions how I could fix it?
HAHA, yeah you caught me. It’s actually a photoshop default that I stumbled upon (wow, I did a lot of stumbling on this) and just kinda worked for me.
I was kind of at a loss with this part. I like how it gives more life and substance to it and yet it puts a sort of strange space to it. I’ve had a few of my friends suggest making it a background. I’m thinking it may look better at a wider presentation.
Hmmm…this could make quite the interesting flash project.
Thanks everyone! This is the best feedback I’ve recieved on some of my works I’m really enjoying that green as well. I might have to look back to using it in the future. [size=1](something about that sentance doesn’t seem right, but amusing none the less) [/size][size=2]What does everyone think about making this into a background? It’s been suggested to me by a few people and I was considering it.[/size]