I started playing around with some photos, some photoshop, and different effect looks for a piece I’m working on and I thought I’d share what I’m working on and perhaps look for some input with what I should do with it. I don’t know whether I’m finished or not, I may add more or leave it. I can’t decide! Lemme know what you think.
It’s actually meant to be an explosion. Perhaps I could portray that better.
It’s early so bear with my misunderstanding: You want to see with without the city and the bright blasts? I could play with some random stuff and post it for ya
i just think that alot of times, when people dont know what to do to an image, theyre like, " hmmm, well, might as well some of those scanlines" and then they throw them in there composition. eventually theyll make stuff look dated i think. just an opinion though.
In my original image they were less like scanlines and more like stripes. I have a larger version, maybe for print at some point. I just really enjoyed how it looked at a much smaller scale and the lines just come out looking like scanlines I guess. I thought it gave an interesting texture to the sky, giving it a sleeker look mixed with the grungyness that much of the image has. If someone has a better idea for a texture, I would be more than willing to try it. Like I said, it’s more or less a work in progress.