Random mouvement

Hi, i found this in the tutorial, but i have a problem using it.

// max_dv   -> maximum absolute velocity change
// maxV     -> maximum absolute velocity
// freq      -> frequency of velocity change
// behavior -> "bounce" or "mod"; action taken when instance hits boundaries; default action: bounce
// fps      -> sets animation's FPS; generally set to movie's FPS, but can be overridden
MovieClip.prototype.moveRandom = function(max_dv, maxV, freq, behavior, fps) {
        this.chgSpd = max_dv;
        this.maxV = maxV;
        this.freq = freq;
        this.vx = this.chgSpd*(Math.random()*2-1);
        this.vy = this.chgSpd*(Math.random()*2-1);
        if (behavior == "bounce" || behavior != "mod") {
                this.$mR = function() {
                        this._x += this.vx;
                        this._y += this.vy;
                        // the lines that give life...
                        this.vx = (!(random(this.freq))) ? (this.vx+this.chgSpd*(Math.random()*2-1))%this.maxV : this.vx;
                        this.vy = (!(random(this.freq))) ? (this.vy+this.chgSpd*(Math.random()*2-1))%this.maxV : this.vy;
                        if (this._x>Stage.width || this._x<0) {
                                this.vx = -this.vx;
                        if (this._y>Stage.height || this._y<0) {
                                this.vy = -this.vy;
        } else {
                this.$mR = function() {
                        this._x += this.vx;
                        this._y += this.vy;
                        // the lines that give life...
                        this.vx = (!(random(this.freq))) ? (this.vx+this.chgSpd*(Math.random()*2-1))%this.maxV : this.vx;
                        this.vy = (!(random(this.freq))) ? (this.vy+this.chgSpd*(Math.random()*2-1))%this.maxV : this.vy;
                        if (this._x>Stage.width) {
                                this._x %= Stage.width;
                        if (this._x<0) {
                                this._x = Stage.width-this._x;
                        if (this._y>Stage.height) {
                                this._y %= Stage.height;
                        if (this._y<0) {
                                this._y = Stage.height-this._y;
        this.__INTERVAL = setInterval(this, "$mR", 1000/fps);

First problem is that the function is affecting every movie clip i place on the stage. Even if i do this :

my_mc = moveRandom(2,3,2,"bounce",25);

For exemple, another mc named “movieBall” will also be affected by the function “moveRandom” that i’ve put on “my_mc”

And the other problem is that the ‘bounce’ or ‘mod’ behavior doesn’t work…

Can anyone help me.