however i tried to modify the code and add my own scripting a little bit but though i feel the logic behind the code is correct i dont know why the movie clip moves in a erratic manner
can anyone pls help me
This is the code
onClipEvent (load) {
//data you may want to change
width = 500;
height = 500;
speed = Math.random()*2;
//initial positions
x_new = Math.random()*width;
y_new = Math.random()*height;
onClipEvent (enterFrame){
if(this._x<x_new)this._x+=speed; // checking if current position is < than the final position then move the movie clip forward
if(this._x>x_new)this._x-=speed; // // checking if current position is > than the final position then move the movie clip backward
x_new = Math.random()*width;// if they are both same then assign new end value
as the clip moves forward and when its pos becomes equal to the final pos i randmly change the value of the final movie clip position in that case that final position may be greater than or less than the this._x if its lesser it will follow the first loop else if its greater it will follow the second loop
the movie clip keeps bouncing across the screen and moves very fast