[rant] GRRRR [/rant]

God, i have the dumbest friend ever. This one girl secretly got his keys drove his car like 3 feet as a joke (they moved it behind a bush). He freaks out since she didnt have her license. Like a week after the fact he is so retarded that he is still angry about it. He says that they could have ruined his car and that it was theft. He decides to CALL THE GIRL’S PARENTS! He tells them some dumb exaggerated story and they ground her for life.

The worst part of it is that I was gunna ask the girl out the next day, i had flowers and everything. So now i cant talk to her or see her for the rest of the summer. And to make things worse, we were going to Hawaii together next month, and her parents decided to cancel that too, even though they cant refund the like 2 grand it cost them.

Ah, i’m so angry at that guy

sorry for the rant guys, just venting I guess.