Ratchet & Clank

I dunno, just felt like posting a thread about something cool, and stuff…
Just having fun!

Okay, So I hate 3D, Third Person Platformer Games.
Not dislike, HATE.
Mario 64 was a disgrace to the name.
DK 64 Made me want to vomit.
Bubsy 3d was quite possibly the worst game of all time.
Tomb Raider is sickening to me…
So a while back, my Step-son comes to me, and says that he was just playing the greatest game ever, and its a 3D, Third Person Platformer Game, I didn’t believe him.
So he saved up his money, and bought the Greatest Hits version of Ratchet & Clank and played it non-stop until he beat it over, and over, again.
Still the skeptic, I finally picked up the game, and played it myself.
I was soo wrong…
So I played it. Loved it. Beat it, bought almost all the Gold Weapons (I’m missing one…) And was in gaming heaven.
Then he comes home from his friends, and says that the Sequal: “Going Commando”, is even better than the first.
Okay. Now I’m even more skeptical. Everyone knows that sequals suck.
So, yesterday, I received “Going Commando” in the mail from Trigger-Fingers.com, Popped it in the PS2, and after a few levels stopped just long enough to pick my Jaw up off the Floor.
I played almost all night last night, got to the part where you have you find crystals in the desert to rebuild your ship before stopping and going to bed… This game is one of the best games ever!! I love it! I can’t wait to get home from work, and start it up again!
Anyone else a fan of the series?
I’ve seen some info on R&C3: Up Your Arsenal, that now I can’t wait for this one to come out, and I haven’t beat the 2nd one yet…
Man… finally someone did the 3D Platformer Genre justice… :beam: