:rambo: Hey, Im Matt and I just put up a website. I am reletivley new to flash but am still pretty good at it. I would like u guys to rate it for me and give me improvments on how to make it better.
:rambo: Hey, Im Matt and I just put up a website. I am reletivley new to flash but am still pretty good at it. I would like u guys to rate it for me and give me improvments on how to make it better.
I was just looking at all the other sites that are listed, and as i look at mine, i realize that it sucks, and since i am only 14 and im high school, i have limited time to work on my site. So if anyone could help me out to find out how to make better flash for a full flash site like these guys have, that would be awesome
So if u could find some help or something for me, reply
Hello Matt, first off I would like to welcome you to the forum. I hope you’ll enjoy your stay here and learn a lot as well.
I went ahead and combined your other thread with this one since it was on the same subject so that there wouldn’t be any confusion. Just to let you know that you could of just replied to the same thread instead of making a new one. =)
As for your site, I can see that you’re new to this so I’m not going to critique it because you’re still learning. What I suggest you do is start off with the full flash site tutorial, it will introduce you to methods of loading movies so take a look, here is the link. =)
If you run into any problems then post your question in the MX or actionscript section. Good luck. =)
Here you go Matt, take a look at this link, it will show you how to add a signature. =)
Does anyone know a good site where I can learn HTMl fast and easy that is good at teaching it?
Hey UncleGuito, welcome to one of the very best forums in the world for flash! These guys know their **** and are super helpful. As for HTML, do you use Dreamweaver? There are very good tutorials built into the program under the Help menu. There are also a lot of great free HTML tutorials at Macromedia’s web site (including good forum support). If you want to get a HTML book, I highly recommend Lynda HOT Training.
About your site: I connect at 50K and your intro streams in so I get a lot of stopping on it. You might want to put in a bit of scripting like ifFrameLoaded, et cetera to check if enough content is loaded (the bandwidth profiler is excellent for this).
Post often, learn faster (I waited a year and a half before using forums and have learned more in a month than a year of reading).
Thanks Subquark,
For preloaders, i do not know how to do them, and every time that i have attempted to make one and then connect it to my flash movei, it failed to work
And yes, I do have Dreamweaver Mx
Please help me
Thanks for the support, i have my first full flash site done.
THe only thing is, is that when i click on the link to the site, it opens it up in the same maximized window, and i want it to open a new popup window.
Someone please respond
In your html page put:
function OpenPopup()
window.open('yourStuff.htm','banner','toolbar=0, location=0,directories=0,status=0,
and modify the width, etc for your needs
on an flash “enter” button put:
on (release) {
use Google to find out how to do stuff like this, most useful . . .
try this
Yeah, my flash page is finally up with popup, um yea, sub u were wrong, it didnt work, but i figured it out anyways.
the link is here
send me ur input
sub wasn’t wrong. His method works, but it is for a different way than how you did your site.
Anyway, I will say this. You have a lot to learn and a long way to go. Something you will learn very fast in web design is: “Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should”
umm, ive been experiencing some problems with the preloader i made of the tutorial. i made it and put it beofre my thing in scene 1 but it still didnt work. i have right actionsript and all to
please help
*Originally posted by Jubba *
**sub wasn’t wrong. His method works, but it is for a different way than how you did your site.
Anyway, I will say this. You have a lot to learn and a long way to go. Something you will learn very fast in web design is: “Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should” **
i like that. =)
My own little motto is: “Less is More.”
thanks for the defense, I never had any art or web training, but I did buy a zillion books and used google a lot. the hardest thing was that I did not know where to start. who knew onClick is a javascript thing? not me and many a late night trying to find those answers. but this forum, WOW, I wish I had found it sooner. all you guys are awesome!
the less is more is a good motto (although electrongeek made me cry 'cause my site is too minimal). but I’ll show him, yeah, spent two hours in photoshop making cool things. but then they looked all pixelly and stuff, so it’s off to the web again to learn more tricks.
you just wait and see electrongeek, yeah, you’re so off topic . . .
oh and the reason I replied to this:
uncleguito, don’t use scenes, they’re a real pain, just go nuts with movieclips and loaded swfs instead
good luck
thanks for all the opinions and help guys, it helped me a lot. im sorry if i offended anyone somehow, but yeah.
subquark, how do u do that thing in your footer, the actions script where you can throw it and it bounces in the dimensions?
Hi again,
i was making a contact form on flash for my site, and when i was done, i noticed it doesnt tell you how to submit the data entereed to the persons email.
if ne one know how to do this, please help :pirate:
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