Hey all! I need help! the loader from kirupa seems to always show (when testing) " A script in this movie is causing flash player to run slowly. If it continues to run, your computer may becomes unresponsive. Do you want to abort the script? " I press yes then the next scene will load. Kinda strange isn’t it? Izzit the kirupa script is a little wrong or wat?..
Please download it thanks bros!
hmm … second time i have no idea this night
i should go to sleep :sleep:
anyway … i’m assuming that the first scene is your splash page or something like that ??
i’d say that it’s useless … i mean if you don’t have flash player installed you won’t be able to see that you need the flash player … am i making any sense ?
by the way … the script is not wrong. everything works fine if you place the preload scene as the first scene