Hi All,
I have a main file called [COLOR=#cc0000]main.swf[/COLOR] whcih contains an empty movie clip to load an SWFiles externally. And I have one more ordinary SWFile which contains navigation to go through 4 pages by clicking [COLOR=#cc0000]Next[/COLOR] and [COLOR=#cc0000]Back[/COLOR] buttons. if i open this ordinary file alone, it works, i mean [COLOR=#cc0000]Next[/COLOR] and [COLOR=#cc0000]Back[/COLOR] buttons work fine. Whereas after loading it in the main file, there also it works. But the bug is, [COLOR=#000000]if you click on either[/COLOR] [COLOR=#cc0000]Next[/COLOR] or [COLOR=#cc0000]Back[/COLOR] button without moving your curser away, you will come to know that nothing is happening. if you move your curser a bit away and click it, it works. i gave the code on the button(s) is
[COLOR=#000099] gotoAndStop(next/prevFrame());[/COLOR]
- is there anything wrong with the code? it would be great of you, if you help me.
Thanks and regards,