Really cool site

thought some of you might like this one. Very good 3d renders

this page confuses me.
too many words and numbers… gah!

*Originally posted by redViper *
**this page confuses me.
too many words and numbers… gah! **

read the content…its good.

*Originally posted by redViper *
this page confuses me.

me too :stuck_out_tongue: Pretty cool experiments/simulations.

i don’t go to sites to read. :trout:

Viper, what are you doing here? :wink:

*Originally posted by Lynx *
**Viper, what are you doing here? :wink: **

ahhh…hahaah, that’s awesome, yea so what ARE u doing here. Look at the smilies I guess? hehe, j/k. But that was a good point. :wink:

no comment.


Just look at the stats on the side - very cool.

I guess the 800x600 people are starting to become Extinct

cough Lost cough

hahah - well not extinct but the 1024 crowd is starting it’s movment towards world domination :slight_smile: As a web developer - that’s good news, more room! :slight_smile:

Yea, that’s pretty good news.

everyone switchin to web on cell phones- switch back to pixel art :wink: !!!