Really good computer office pranks

What are some that you guys know of? Not noob stuff like changing mouse speed, inverting mouse buttons, changing windows sounds, desktop, etc. I want one that will totally stump a system administrator:evil:

I got him a couple weeks ago with a mail bomb from a fake hacker email saying I had infiltrated his mail server. It was just a php script, but he doesn’t know much about web scripting so it really got him:lol:



I just got back from Cabo to find my cube totally wrapped in plastic wrap. Everything in my work area was wrapped from computer, keyboard, filers, mouse, monitor, coffee cups, walls, everything and they even made a ceiling and a door that I had to run through. On top of all the plastic wrap they poured candy everywhere and put hello kitty stickers on everything including areas like keyboard keys, covering my mouse laser and power supplies and/or buttons. So after I took off all the plastic they still got me with mouse not working and other things. HA HA HA HA HA, paybacks a bi*#h. Good times!

^ We did a very similar thing to my coworker after he got married. At his wedding we covered his entire car in plastic wrap along with everything inside of it. He came back from his honeymoon to find that we did the same thing to everything on his desk. His papers, pens, mouse, keyboard, water bottle, chair, computer, tissue box, calendar and everything else was completely covered in plastic wrap. Took him an hour to clean it up enough so that he could actually get some work done.

this thread is gold :smiley:

will definately have to try some of these out :wink:

Great post