How do you make a circle, but just the outline. so the center is hollow and has a black outline? i know this is gonna be really simple, but i can’t figure it! thx
first, press D to reset your colors, black should then be the foreground color.
Then make a circle selection, rightclick inside the circle and choose “stroke”.
Set the width and such and press ok
ah yes! i knew i could rely on you!
But if you have different background colors you should just do your circle, then set the border in the layersettings and then set the covering strenght(is this right?) to 0%. Not the normal, but the one below it. I don’t know the english name for it. Its the covering strenght for the surface… hope i could help you
Maybe lost can help out with translating it ;p
bah, circle selection? Thats no way to make a circle
I say hit the vector shape and draw your circle with the ellipse tool (holding shift to make it unified). You can keep this as a vector, make a strokable path (similar to selection) or just make it a straight out pixel circle. As a vector though, it will give you an easily managable circle which you can stretch and move and scale with ease and no loss in quality.
After making a vector circle, you can ditch its fill (in layers panel) and use a layer stroke… or even, instead, make another circle using ALT (or from the icon in the properties bar) as a type of boolean (subtraction) circle - place that outlined circle in the orignal filled circle and youve got yourself a … umm… lopsided circle? well you have a lot more options at least…
of course the selection too is easier and all that stuff ^ is confusing if you’re just getting inot it all :-\
hey, I gave him an easy start
no reason to overload a beginner
You’re all wrong. The best way to make a stroked circle is to grab a drinking glass, invert it on your graphics tablet and trace around its rim with your stylus. Simple.
*Originally posted by eilsoe *
**no reason to overload a beginner**
as I sometimes tend to do
of course alethos got us both beat
Yeah… we got thumped…
senocular said the same as I did
*Originally posted by eilsoe *
**hey, I gave him an easy start
no reason to overload a beginner **
what he said.