hot off the press, i gotta send it away real soon. can you guys check it out and see if there is anything…

goofy, cheesey, ugly, not working, misspelled, or lagging?

:beam: thanks

EDIT: duh. i forgot this.

[color=green]The sub menu on the side of expressions and don’t pop out as cool they shoud. But i think that is caused by the incoming alftha picture’s on the side. maybe you should first alfa in the picture’s and then after it is fully alftha-ed in then pop the menu. BUT THAT’s just me.[/color]

[color=blue]I really like the Menu and the loading. You know the G thingie. That’s cool. YOur site is just to big to fit in a 1024768 IE browser. mybe you should make your site. just allittle smaller_y. JUST A LITTLE. [/color]

[color=red]Still working on the Music menu. but it shows prommiss. [/color]

[color=tomato]beside your not working musiek menu and the slowness. I will look over that and say that this is a great site. Totally rated as a 8 out of 10.[/color]

[size=4]8[/size] :cyclops:
[size=1]*note: 10 is unataineble[/size]

thanks dude! i’m gonna try and fix that menu somehow. ill think about it after i get like 15 hours of sleep cuz my brain is dead. lol.

its very…uh, RED!!! :stuck_out_tongue: really good site Golgi, my favorate part is the navigation system, its quite origional. your transitions were really smooth also. nice job =)

I agree, you definatley wanna resize it so that it fits in the browser… there’s no reason why it cant. Apart from that, i cant fault it… and i wouldnt want to!

nice site redGolgi! :slight_smile:

cool site, awesome nav bar, but it moves too slow.

golgi when your in the download section if you click on the image that says free download it opens the untitled jpg from the fine art section check it out might be a bug

other than that awesome site :beam:

you know what i think of the site…